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Age Concern Menorca
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Roqueta articles June and July 2023


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Roqueta articles July and August 2021

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Roqueta articles September and October 2021


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Roqueta  Winter 2021-22

Home: About

What we do

Age Concern Menorca has been working hard with the help of our members and volunteers to help improve the lives of senior citizens of all nationalities living in Menorca. 

Our services include:

  • A well-stocked charity shop, staffed by a shop manager and volunteers.

  • Providing information on services offered by other organisations.

  • Translation services.

  • A confidential help service  (Lifeline) which helps individuals in need.

  • A medical and mobility equipment loan service (short term), open to everyone of any age, whether a resident or a visitor,

  • Regular lunches and weekly drop-in centres along with organised trips.


Age Concern Menorca ha estado trabajando duro con la ayuda de nuestros miembros y voluntarios para ayudar a mejorar la vida de las personas mayores de todas las nacionalidades que viven en Menorca.

Nuestros servicios incluyen:

  • Una tienda benéfica bien surtida, atendida por un gerente de tienda y voluntarios.

  • Brindar información sobre los servicios ofrecidos por otras organizaciones.

  • Servicios de traducción.

  • Un servicio de ayuda confidencial (Lifeline) que ayuda a las personas necesitadas.

  • Un servicio de préstamo de equipos médicos y de movilidad (a corto plazo), abierto a todas las personas de cualquier edad, ya sean residentes o visitantes,

  • Almuerzos regulares y centros de acogida semanales junto con viajes organizados.


Get in touch to learn how we can help you and how you can make a difference at our Charity.


Age Concern Menorca is an independent charitable organisation


Póngase en contacto para saber cómo podemos ayudarlo y cómo puede marcar la diferencia en nuestra organización benéfica.


Age Concern Menorca es una organización benéfica independiente


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Individual support

Lifeline, Medical and mobility equipment loan, translation and information leaflets

Our confidential Lifeline support is there to provide information, help and assistance to senior citizens in need. 

Contact us on 676 904 487 or if we can help you.


Our short term medical and mobility equipment loan service is here to help you, whether you be a resident or visitor.

We have a wide range of equipment available for loan. We can deliver or collect equipment from anywhere on the island. There is no hire fee but we need a deposit (refundable when you return the equipment) and we ask you for a donation when you return the equipment, to help us continue to provide this service.

Appointments essential.

Contact us on 629 016 307 or


Information leaflets.

The shop has information stands with information about a range of services and help available, for example, 24 hour teletranslation, residency, help available to pay rent .....




Community support and social events

Charity shop, lunches, 'drop-ins' and trips

Our well stocked charity shop provides an important service to the community by providing a range of high quality goods at very reasonable prices. Our goods include books, DVDs, clothing, bric-a-brac, household goods and furniture.

We can arrange collection of any large items you wish to donate.

Contact the shop on:

971 156 110 or

or the shop manager on 636 347 286


Social events

We hold a fish and chip lunch at Bar Pons, Cala en Porter, on the first Thursday of every month. 

On the third Thursday of each month we host a lunch in the Mahon/ Es Castell area. 

Everyone is welcome but please book in advance with our Social Secretary:

699 901 777 or

Please call in at one of our 'drop-in' sessions for a chat, game of cards etc.:

Bar Pons, Cala en Porter, every Tuesday 10.00-13.00

Centre de jubilados, Es Castell, every Monday 10.00 - 13.00.


We organise 3 or 4 trips each year to places of interest on the island. Please contact the Social Secretary for more information.


There are no social events planned for July and August 2023 but the normal pattern wil resume in September 2023.

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